
Free Flow Psychiatry 

Step into the flow.  Embrace your truth.  Discover serenity & peace.


Welcome to Free Flow Psychiatry,


I founded this website based on overcoming my own fears about practicing as a psychiatrist in the manner in which I feel is most likely to help people.  It represents the collective wisdom of what I was taught in multiple stages of my education in order to express the essential components that hopefully can help guide people to accept themselves and move beyond previously held blockages that may have impeded their progress towards achieving personal goals. 


It is my passion to guide people from where they feel impeded to a new level of acceptance and progress in a way that suits their own personal tastes.  Contained in this website will be a variety of resources,  which are available to the general public. 


I urge the reader to consider working with the ideas here to achieve your mental wellness goals as they pertain to your physical, emotional and spiritual wellness.


Free Flow Psychiatry Founder,


Dustin Robert Dippen MD







Flow Article


It is the full involvement of flow, rather than happiness, that makes for excellence in life. We can be happy experiencing the passive pleasure of a rested body, warm sunshine, or the contentment of a serene relationship, but this kind of happiness is dependent on favorable external circumstances. The happiness that follows flow is of our own making, and it leads to increasing complexity and growth in consciousness.